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Build Orders

Build Orders

A Build Order is used to create new stock by assembling component parts, according to a Bill of Materials (BOM).

A BOM can be specified for any Part which is designated as an Assembly. The BOM consists of other Parts which are designated as Components.

A Build Order uses the BOM to allocate stock items to the assembly process. As the Build Order is completed, the required stock quantities are subtracted from allocated stock items.

View Build Orders

To navigate to the Build Order display, select Build from the main navigation menu:

Display Builds Display Builds

Table View

Table View provides a table of Build Orders, which can be filtered to only show the orders you are interested in.

Build List Build List

Tree View

Tree View also provides a tabulated view of Build Orders. Orders are displayed in a hierarchical manner, showing any parent / child relationships between different build orders.

Build Tree Build Tree

Calendar View

Calendar View shows a calendar display with upcoming build orders, based on the various dates specified for each build.

Build Order Details

Build Order Reference

Each Build Order is uniquely identified by its Reference field. Read more about reference fields.

Build Parameters

The following parameters are available for each Build Order, and can be edited by the user:

Parameter Description
Reference Build Order reference e.g. '001'
Description Description of the Build Order
Part Link to the Part which will be created from the Build Order
Quantity Number of stock items which will be created from this build
Sales Order Link to a Sales Order to which the build outputs will be allocated
Source Location Stock location to source stock items from (blank = all locations)
Destination Location Stock location where the build outputs will be located
Target Date Target date for build completion
Responsible User (or group of users) who is responsible for the build
External Link Link to external webpage
Notes Build notes, supports markdown

Build Output

A Build Output creates a new stock instance of the assembly part, of a specified quantity. Each Build Order requires at least one build output. Multiple build outputs can be specified if the build is completed in batches.

Read more about build outputs here.

Build Status

Each Build Order has an associated Status flag, which indicates the state of the build:

Status Description
Pending Build has been created and build is ready for subpart allocation
Production One or more build outputs have been created for this build
Cancelled Build has been cancelled
Completed Build has been completed

Stock Allocations

When a Build Order is created, we then have the ability to allocate stock items against that build order. The particular parts we need to allocate against the build are specified by the BOM for the part we are assembling.

  • A Stock Allocation links a certain quantity of a given Stock Item to the build.
  • At least one stock allocation is required for each line in the BOM
  • Multiple stock allocations can be made against a BOM line if a particular stock item does not have sufficient quantity for the build

Example - Stock Allocation

Let's say that to assembly a single "Widget", we require 2 "flanges". So, to complete a build of 10 "Widgets", 20 "flanges" will be required. We allocate 20 flanged against this build order.

Allocating stock to a build does not actually subtrack the stock from the database. Allocations signal an intent to take that stock for the purpose of this build. Stock allocations are actioned at the completion of a build.

Part Allocation Information

Any part which has stock allocated to a build order will indicate this on the part information page.

For further information, refer to the stock allocation documentation.

Build Order Display

The detail view for a single build order provides multiple display tabs, as follows:

Build Details

The Build Details tab provides an overview of the Build Order:

Details tab Details tab

Allocate Stock

The Allocate Stock tab provides an interface to allocate required stock (as specified by the BOM) to the build:

Allocation tab Allocation tab

The allocation table (as shown above) shows the stock allocation progress for this build. In the example above, there are two BOM lines, which have been partially allocated.

Completed Builds

The Allocate Stock tab is not available if the build has been completed!

Consumed Stock

The Consumed Stock tab displays all stock items which have been consumed by this build order. These stock items remain in the database after the build order has been completed, but are no longer available for use.

Build Outputs

The Build Outputs tab shows the build outputs (created stock items) associated with this build.

As shown below, there are separate panels for incomplete and completed build outputs.

Outputs tab Outputs tab

Example: Build Outputs

In the example image above, a single output (serial number 2) has been completed, while serial numbers 1 and 4 are still in progress.

  • Build outputs can be created from this screen, by selecting the Create New Output button
  • Outputs which are "in progress" can be completed or cancelled
  • Completed outputs (which are simply stock items) can be viewed in the stock table at the bottom of the screen

Child Builds

If there exist any build orders which are children of the selected build order, they are displayed in the Child Builds tab:

Child builds tab Child builds tab


Files attachments can be uploaded against the build order, and displayed in the Attachments tab:

Attachments tab Attachments tab


Build order notes (which support markdown formatting) are displayed in the Notes tab:

Notes tab Notes tab

Create Build Order

To create a build order for your part, you have two options:

Part Detail Page

  • Navigate to the detail page for the assembly part you wish to create
  • Select the Build Orders tab
  • Select Start new Build
Create build from Part view Create build from Part view

Build Order Page

  • Navigate to the Build Order overview page
  • Click on New Build Order

Fill-out the form as required, then click the "Submit" button to create the build.

Complete Build Order

To complete a build, click on icon on the build detail page, the Complete Build form will be displayed.

The form will validate the build order is ready to be completed, and will prevent you from continuing if any of the below conditions are present unless you select one of the presented options to override the validation and accept completion of the build anyway.

Incomplete Build

If the warning message Required build quantity has not been completed is shown, you have build outputs that have not yet been completed.

In the unlikely event that you wish to proceed despite this, you can toggle the Accept Incomplete option to true to override the error and allow completion without the required number of build outputs.

Incomplete Allocation

If the warning message Require stock has not been fully allocated is shown, make sure to allocate stock matching all BOM items to the build before proceeding with build completion.

If you wish to complete the build despite the missing parts, toggle the Accept Unallocated option to true to override the warning and allow completion with unallocated parts.

Overallocated Stock Items

If the warning message Some stock items have been overallocated is shown, you have more stock than required by the BOM for the part being built allocated to the build order. By default the Not permissted option is selected and you will need to return to the allocation screen and remove the extra items before the build can be completed.

Alternatively, you can select Accept as consumed by this build order to continue with the allocation and remove the extra items from stock (e.g. if they were destroyed during build), or select Deallocate before completing this build order if you would like the extra items to be returned to stock for use in future builds.

Select a Location to store the resulting parts from the build then click on the confirmation switch. Finally, click on the "Complete Build" button to process the build completion.

Completed Build

A completed build cannot be re-opened. Make sure to use the confirm only if you are certain that the build is complete.

Cancel Build Order

To cancel a build, click on icon on the build detail page.

The Cancel Build form will be displayed, click on the confirmation switch then click on the "Cancel Build" button to process the build cancellation.

Cancelled Build

A cancelled build cannot be re-opened. Make sure to use the cancel option only if you are certain that the build won't be processed.

Overdue Builds

Build orders may (optionally) have a target complete date specified. If this date is reached but the build order remains incomplete, then the build is considered overdue.

  • Builds can be filtered by overdue status in the build list
  • Overdue builds will be displayed on the home page