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Serving Files

Serving Files

In a production installation, the InvenTree web server application does not provide hosting of static files, or user-uploaded (media) files. Instead, these files should be served by a separate web server, such as Caddy, Nginx, or Apache.

Debug Mode

When running in production mode (i.e. the INVENTREE_DEBUG flag is disabled), a separate web server is required for serving static and media files. In DEBUG mode, the django webserver facilitates delivery of static and media files, but this is explicitly not suitable for a production environment.

Read More

You can find further information in the django documentation.

There are many different ways that a sysadmin might wish to handle this - and it depends on your particular installation requirements.

Static Files

Static files can be served without any need for authentication. In fact, they must be accessible without authentication, otherwise the unauthenticated views (such as the login screen) will not function correctly.

Media Files

It is highly recommended that the media files are served behind an authentication layer. This is because the media files are user-uploaded, and may contain sensitive information. Most modern web servers provide a way to serve files behind an authentication layer.

Example Configuration

The docker production example provides an example using Caddy to serve static and media files, and redirecting other requests to the InvenTree web server itself.

Caddy is a modern web server which is easy to configure and provides a number of useful features, including automatic SSL certificate generation.