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The Stock and Stock Locations section of the InvenTree API schema is documented below.

InvenTree API 309

API for InvenTree - the intuitive open source inventory management system

License: MIT


Description URL
http://localhost:8000 http://localhost:8000


DELETE /api/stock/


Perform a DELETE operation against this list endpoint.

We expect a list of primary-key (ID) values to be supplied as a JSON object, e.g. { items: [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42] }

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Response 204 No Content

GET /api/stock/


Override the 'get' method to check for the export query parameter.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
active query boolean No Active
allocated query boolean No Is Allocated
ancestor query integer No
assembly query boolean No Assembly
available query boolean No Available
batch query string No Batch code filter (case insensitive)
batch_regex query string No Batch code filter (regex)
belongs_to query integer No
bom_item query integer No
build query integer No
category query integer No
company query integer No
consumed query boolean No Consumed by Build Order
consumed_by query integer No
customer query integer No
depleted query boolean No Depleted
expired query boolean No Expired
expiry_after query string No Expiry date after
expiry_before query string No Expiry date before
external query boolean No External Location
has_batch query boolean No Has batch code
has_child_items query boolean No Has child items
has_installed_items query boolean No Has installed items
has_purchase_price query boolean No Has purchase price
in_stock query boolean No In Stock
include_variants query boolean No Include Variants
installed query boolean No Installed in other stock item
IPN query string No Part IPN (case insensitive)
IPN_contains query string No Part IPN contains (case insensitive)
IPN_regex query string No Part IPN (regex)
is_building query boolean No In production
limit query integer No Number of results to return per page.
manufacturer query integer No
max_stock query number No Maximum stock
min_stock query number No Minimum stock
name query string No Part name (case insensitive)
name_contains query string No Part name contains (case insensitive)
name_regex query string No Part name (regex)
offset query integer No The initial index from which to return the results.
ordering query string No Which field to use when ordering the results.
part query integer No Part
part_tree query integer No
purchase_order query integer No
salable query boolean No Salable
sales_order query integer No
search query string No A search term.
sent_to_customer query boolean No Sent to customer
serial query string No Serial number
serial_gte query integer No Serial number GTE
serial_lte query integer No Serial number LTE
serialized query boolean No Has serial number
stale query boolean No Stale
status query integer No Status Code
stocktake_after query string No Stocktake After
stocktake_before query string No Stocktake Before
supplier query integer No Supplier
supplier_part query integer No
tags__name query string No
tags__slug query string No
tracked query boolean No Tracked
updated_after query string No Updated after
updated_before query string No Updated before

Response 200 OK

    "count": 123,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "MPN": "string",
            "SKU": "string",
            "allocated": 10.12,
            "barcode_hash": "string",
            "batch": "string",
            "belongs_to": 0,
            "build": 0,
            "child_items": 0,
            "consumed_by": 0,
            "customer": 0,
            "delete_on_deplete": true,
            "expired": true,
            "expiry_date": "2022-04-13",
            "in_stock": true,
            "installed_items": 0,
            "is_building": true,
            "link": "string",
            "location": 0,
            "location_detail": null,
            "notes": "string",
            "owner": 0,
            "packaging": "string",
            "parent": 0,
            "part": 0,
            "part_detail": null,
            "pk": 0,
            "purchase_order": 0,
            "purchase_order_reference": "string",
            "purchase_price": "string",
            "purchase_price_currency": null,
            "quantity": 10.12,
            "sales_order": 0,
            "sales_order_reference": "string",
            "serial": "string",
            "stale": true,
            "status": null,
            "status_custom_key": null,
            "status_text": "string",
            "stocktake_date": "2022-04-13",
            "supplier_part": 0,
            "supplier_part_detail": null,
            "tags": [
            "tracking_items": 0,
            "updated": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
            "use_pack_size": true
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "properties": {
        "count": {
            "example": 123,
            "type": "integer"
        "next": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "previous": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockItem"
            "type": "array"
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/


API endpoint for list view of Stock objects.

  • GET: Return a list of all StockItem objects (with optional query filters)
  • POST: Create a new StockItem
  • DELETE: Delete multiple StockItem objects

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "MPN": "string",
    "SKU": "string",
    "allocated": 10.12,
    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "batch": "string",
    "belongs_to": 0,
    "build": 0,
    "child_items": 0,
    "consumed_by": 0,
    "customer": 0,
    "delete_on_deplete": true,
    "expired": true,
    "expiry_date": "2022-04-13",
    "in_stock": true,
    "installed_items": 0,
    "is_building": true,
    "link": "string",
    "location": 0,
    "location_detail": null,
    "notes": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "packaging": "string",
    "parent": 0,
    "part": 0,
    "part_detail": null,
    "pk": 0,
    "purchase_order": 0,
    "purchase_order_reference": "string",
    "purchase_price": "string",
    "purchase_price_currency": null,
    "quantity": 10.12,
    "sales_order": 0,
    "sales_order_reference": "string",
    "serial": "string",
    "stale": true,
    "status": null,
    "status_custom_key": null,
    "status_text": "string",
    "stocktake_date": "2022-04-13",
    "supplier_part": 0,
    "supplier_part_detail": null,
    "tags": [
    "tracking_items": 0,
    "updated": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "use_pack_size": true
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for a StockItem.\n\n- Includes serialization for the linked part\n- Includes serialization for the item location",
    "properties": {
        "MPN": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Manufacturer Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "SKU": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "allocated": {
            "format": "double",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Allocated Quantity",
            "type": "number"
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "batch": {
            "description": "Batch code for this stock item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Batch Code",
            "type": "string"
        "belongs_to": {
            "description": "Is this item installed in another item?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Installed In",
            "type": "integer"
        "build": {
            "description": "Build for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Build",
            "type": "integer"
        "child_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "consumed_by": {
            "description": "Build order which consumed this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "delete_on_deplete": {
            "description": "Delete this Stock Item when stock is depleted",
            "type": "boolean"
        "expired": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "expiry_date": {
            "description": "Expiry date for stock item. Stock will be considered expired after this date",
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "in_stock": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "installed_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "is_building": {
            "type": "boolean"
        "link": {
            "description": "Link to external URL",
            "format": "uri",
            "maxLength": 200,
            "title": "External Link",
            "type": "string"
        "location": {
            "description": "Where is this stock item located?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Stock Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "location_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LocationBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Location"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Markdown notes (optional)",
            "maxLength": 50000,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "packaging": {
            "description": "Packaging this stock item is stored in",
            "maxLength": 50,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock item",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Parent Item",
            "type": "integer"
        "part": {
            "description": "Base Part",
            "type": "integer"
        "part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PartBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Part"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order": {
            "description": "Purchase order for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Purchase Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price": {
            "description": "Purchase price of this stock item, per unit or pack",
            "format": "decimal",
            "nullable": true,
            "pattern": "^-?\\d{0,13}(?:\\.\\d{0,6})?$",
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price_currency": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SalePriceCurrencyEnum"
            "description": "Purchase currency of this stock item\n\n* `AUD` - Australian Dollar\n* `CNY` - Chinese Yuan\n* `EUR` - Euro\n* `USD` - US Dollar",
            "title": "Currency"
        "quantity": {
            "format": "double",
            "type": "number"
        "sales_order": {
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Destination Sales Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "sales_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "serial": {
            "description": "Serial number for this item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Serial Number",
            "type": "string"
        "stale": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "minimum": 0
        "status_custom_key": {
            "description": "Additional status information for this item\n\n* `10` - OK\n* `50` - Attention needed\n* `55` - Damaged\n* `60` - Destroyed\n* `65` - Rejected\n* `70` - Lost\n* `75` - Quarantined\n* `85` - Returned",
            "nullable": true,
            "oneOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatusCustomKey2a7Enum"
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NullEnum"
            "title": "Custom status key"
        "status_text": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Status",
            "type": "string"
        "stocktake_date": {
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "supplier_part": {
            "description": "Select a matching supplier part for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "supplier_part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SupplierPart"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "tracking_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "updated": {
            "description": "Timestamp of last update",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "use_pack_size": {
            "description": "Use pack size when adding: the quantity defined is the number of packs",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "boolean",
            "writeOnly": true
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "MPN": "string",
    "SKU": "string",
    "allocated": 10.12,
    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "batch": "string",
    "belongs_to": 0,
    "build": 0,
    "child_items": 0,
    "consumed_by": 0,
    "customer": 0,
    "delete_on_deplete": true,
    "expired": true,
    "expiry_date": "2022-04-13",
    "in_stock": true,
    "installed_items": 0,
    "is_building": true,
    "link": "string",
    "location": 0,
    "location_detail": null,
    "notes": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "packaging": "string",
    "parent": 0,
    "part": 0,
    "part_detail": null,
    "pk": 0,
    "purchase_order": 0,
    "purchase_order_reference": "string",
    "purchase_price": "string",
    "purchase_price_currency": null,
    "quantity": 10.12,
    "sales_order": 0,
    "sales_order_reference": "string",
    "serial": "string",
    "stale": true,
    "status": null,
    "status_custom_key": null,
    "status_text": "string",
    "stocktake_date": "2022-04-13",
    "supplier_part": 0,
    "supplier_part_detail": null,
    "tags": [
    "tracking_items": 0,
    "updated": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "use_pack_size": true
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for a StockItem.\n\n- Includes serialization for the linked part\n- Includes serialization for the item location",
    "properties": {
        "MPN": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Manufacturer Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "SKU": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "allocated": {
            "format": "double",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Allocated Quantity",
            "type": "number"
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "batch": {
            "description": "Batch code for this stock item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Batch Code",
            "type": "string"
        "belongs_to": {
            "description": "Is this item installed in another item?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Installed In",
            "type": "integer"
        "build": {
            "description": "Build for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Build",
            "type": "integer"
        "child_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "consumed_by": {
            "description": "Build order which consumed this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "delete_on_deplete": {
            "description": "Delete this Stock Item when stock is depleted",
            "type": "boolean"
        "expired": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "expiry_date": {
            "description": "Expiry date for stock item. Stock will be considered expired after this date",
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "in_stock": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "installed_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "is_building": {
            "type": "boolean"
        "link": {
            "description": "Link to external URL",
            "format": "uri",
            "maxLength": 200,
            "title": "External Link",
            "type": "string"
        "location": {
            "description": "Where is this stock item located?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Stock Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "location_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LocationBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Location"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Markdown notes (optional)",
            "maxLength": 50000,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "packaging": {
            "description": "Packaging this stock item is stored in",
            "maxLength": 50,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock item",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Parent Item",
            "type": "integer"
        "part": {
            "description": "Base Part",
            "type": "integer"
        "part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PartBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Part"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order": {
            "description": "Purchase order for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Purchase Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price": {
            "description": "Purchase price of this stock item, per unit or pack",
            "format": "decimal",
            "nullable": true,
            "pattern": "^-?\\d{0,13}(?:\\.\\d{0,6})?$",
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price_currency": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SalePriceCurrencyEnum"
            "description": "Purchase currency of this stock item\n\n* `AUD` - Australian Dollar\n* `CNY` - Chinese Yuan\n* `EUR` - Euro\n* `USD` - US Dollar",
            "title": "Currency"
        "quantity": {
            "format": "double",
            "type": "number"
        "sales_order": {
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Destination Sales Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "sales_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "serial": {
            "description": "Serial number for this item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Serial Number",
            "type": "string"
        "stale": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "minimum": 0
        "status_custom_key": {
            "description": "Additional status information for this item\n\n* `10` - OK\n* `50` - Attention needed\n* `55` - Damaged\n* `60` - Destroyed\n* `65` - Rejected\n* `70` - Lost\n* `75` - Quarantined\n* `85` - Returned",
            "nullable": true,
            "oneOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatusCustomKey2a7Enum"
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NullEnum"
            "title": "Custom status key"
        "status_text": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Status",
            "type": "string"
        "stocktake_date": {
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "supplier_part": {
            "description": "Select a matching supplier part for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "supplier_part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SupplierPart"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "tracking_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "updated": {
            "description": "Timestamp of last update",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "use_pack_size": {
            "description": "Use pack size when adding: the quantity defined is the number of packs",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "boolean",
            "writeOnly": true
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "MPN": "string",
    "SKU": "string",
    "allocated": 10.12,
    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "batch": "string",
    "belongs_to": 0,
    "build": 0,
    "child_items": 0,
    "consumed_by": 0,
    "customer": 0,
    "delete_on_deplete": true,
    "expired": true,
    "expiry_date": "2022-04-13",
    "in_stock": true,
    "installed_items": 0,
    "is_building": true,
    "link": "string",
    "location": 0,
    "location_detail": null,
    "notes": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "packaging": "string",
    "parent": 0,
    "part": 0,
    "part_detail": null,
    "pk": 0,
    "purchase_order": 0,
    "purchase_order_reference": "string",
    "purchase_price": "string",
    "purchase_price_currency": null,
    "quantity": 10.12,
    "sales_order": 0,
    "sales_order_reference": "string",
    "serial": "string",
    "stale": true,
    "status": null,
    "status_custom_key": null,
    "status_text": "string",
    "stocktake_date": "2022-04-13",
    "supplier_part": 0,
    "supplier_part_detail": null,
    "tags": [
    "tracking_items": 0,
    "updated": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "use_pack_size": true
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for a StockItem.\n\n- Includes serialization for the linked part\n- Includes serialization for the item location",
    "properties": {
        "MPN": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Manufacturer Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "SKU": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "allocated": {
            "format": "double",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Allocated Quantity",
            "type": "number"
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "batch": {
            "description": "Batch code for this stock item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Batch Code",
            "type": "string"
        "belongs_to": {
            "description": "Is this item installed in another item?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Installed In",
            "type": "integer"
        "build": {
            "description": "Build for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Build",
            "type": "integer"
        "child_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "consumed_by": {
            "description": "Build order which consumed this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "delete_on_deplete": {
            "description": "Delete this Stock Item when stock is depleted",
            "type": "boolean"
        "expired": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "expiry_date": {
            "description": "Expiry date for stock item. Stock will be considered expired after this date",
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "in_stock": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "installed_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "is_building": {
            "type": "boolean"
        "link": {
            "description": "Link to external URL",
            "format": "uri",
            "maxLength": 200,
            "title": "External Link",
            "type": "string"
        "location": {
            "description": "Where is this stock item located?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Stock Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "location_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LocationBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Location"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Markdown notes (optional)",
            "maxLength": 50000,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "packaging": {
            "description": "Packaging this stock item is stored in",
            "maxLength": 50,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock item",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Parent Item",
            "type": "integer"
        "part": {
            "description": "Base Part",
            "type": "integer"
        "part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PartBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Part"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order": {
            "description": "Purchase order for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Purchase Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price": {
            "description": "Purchase price of this stock item, per unit or pack",
            "format": "decimal",
            "nullable": true,
            "pattern": "^-?\\d{0,13}(?:\\.\\d{0,6})?$",
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price_currency": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SalePriceCurrencyEnum"
            "description": "Purchase currency of this stock item\n\n* `AUD` - Australian Dollar\n* `CNY` - Chinese Yuan\n* `EUR` - Euro\n* `USD` - US Dollar",
            "title": "Currency"
        "quantity": {
            "format": "double",
            "type": "number"
        "sales_order": {
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Destination Sales Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "sales_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "serial": {
            "description": "Serial number for this item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Serial Number",
            "type": "string"
        "stale": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "minimum": 0
        "status_custom_key": {
            "description": "Additional status information for this item\n\n* `10` - OK\n* `50` - Attention needed\n* `55` - Damaged\n* `60` - Destroyed\n* `65` - Rejected\n* `70` - Lost\n* `75` - Quarantined\n* `85` - Returned",
            "nullable": true,
            "oneOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatusCustomKey2a7Enum"
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NullEnum"
            "title": "Custom status key"
        "status_text": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Status",
            "type": "string"
        "stocktake_date": {
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "supplier_part": {
            "description": "Select a matching supplier part for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "supplier_part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SupplierPart"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "tracking_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "updated": {
            "description": "Timestamp of last update",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "use_pack_size": {
            "description": "Use pack size when adding: the quantity defined is the number of packs",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "boolean",
            "writeOnly": true
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "MPN": "string",
    "SKU": "string",
    "allocated": 10.12,
    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "batch": "string",
    "belongs_to": 0,
    "build": 0,
    "child_items": 0,
    "consumed_by": 0,
    "customer": 0,
    "delete_on_deplete": true,
    "expired": true,
    "expiry_date": "2022-04-13",
    "in_stock": true,
    "installed_items": 0,
    "is_building": true,
    "link": "string",
    "location": 0,
    "location_detail": null,
    "notes": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "packaging": "string",
    "parent": 0,
    "part": 0,
    "part_detail": null,
    "pk": 0,
    "purchase_order": 0,
    "purchase_order_reference": "string",
    "purchase_price": "string",
    "purchase_price_currency": null,
    "quantity": 10.12,
    "sales_order": 0,
    "sales_order_reference": "string",
    "serial": "string",
    "stale": true,
    "status": null,
    "status_custom_key": null,
    "status_text": "string",
    "stocktake_date": "2022-04-13",
    "supplier_part": 0,
    "supplier_part_detail": null,
    "tags": [
    "tracking_items": 0,
    "updated": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "use_pack_size": true
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for a StockItem.\n\n- Includes serialization for the linked part\n- Includes serialization for the item location",
    "properties": {
        "MPN": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Manufacturer Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "SKU": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part Number",
            "type": "string"
        "allocated": {
            "format": "double",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Allocated Quantity",
            "type": "number"
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "batch": {
            "description": "Batch code for this stock item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Batch Code",
            "type": "string"
        "belongs_to": {
            "description": "Is this item installed in another item?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Installed In",
            "type": "integer"
        "build": {
            "description": "Build for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Build",
            "type": "integer"
        "child_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "consumed_by": {
            "description": "Build order which consumed this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "delete_on_deplete": {
            "description": "Delete this Stock Item when stock is depleted",
            "type": "boolean"
        "expired": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "expiry_date": {
            "description": "Expiry date for stock item. Stock will be considered expired after this date",
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "in_stock": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "installed_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "is_building": {
            "type": "boolean"
        "link": {
            "description": "Link to external URL",
            "format": "uri",
            "maxLength": 200,
            "title": "External Link",
            "type": "string"
        "location": {
            "description": "Where is this stock item located?",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Stock Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "location_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LocationBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Location"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Markdown notes (optional)",
            "maxLength": 50000,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "packaging": {
            "description": "Packaging this stock item is stored in",
            "maxLength": 50,
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock item",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Parent Item",
            "type": "integer"
        "part": {
            "description": "Base Part",
            "type": "integer"
        "part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PartBrief"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Part"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order": {
            "description": "Purchase order for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Source Purchase Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "purchase_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price": {
            "description": "Purchase price of this stock item, per unit or pack",
            "format": "decimal",
            "nullable": true,
            "pattern": "^-?\\d{0,13}(?:\\.\\d{0,6})?$",
            "type": "string"
        "purchase_price_currency": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SalePriceCurrencyEnum"
            "description": "Purchase currency of this stock item\n\n* `AUD` - Australian Dollar\n* `CNY` - Chinese Yuan\n* `EUR` - Euro\n* `USD` - US Dollar",
            "title": "Currency"
        "quantity": {
            "format": "double",
            "type": "number"
        "sales_order": {
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Destination Sales Order",
            "type": "integer"
        "sales_order_reference": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "serial": {
            "description": "Serial number for this item",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Serial Number",
            "type": "string"
        "stale": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "boolean"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "minimum": 0
        "status_custom_key": {
            "description": "Additional status information for this item\n\n* `10` - OK\n* `50` - Attention needed\n* `55` - Damaged\n* `60` - Destroyed\n* `65` - Rejected\n* `70` - Lost\n* `75` - Quarantined\n* `85` - Returned",
            "nullable": true,
            "oneOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatusCustomKey2a7Enum"
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/NullEnum"
            "title": "Custom status key"
        "status_text": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Status",
            "type": "string"
        "stocktake_date": {
            "format": "date",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "supplier_part": {
            "description": "Select a matching supplier part for this stock item",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "supplier_part_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SupplierPart"
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Supplier Part"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "tracking_items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "updated": {
            "description": "Timestamp of last update",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "use_pack_size": {
            "description": "Use pack size when adding: the quantity defined is the number of packs",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "boolean",
            "writeOnly": true
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/add/


Endpoint for adding a quantity of stock to an existing StockItem.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for adding stock to stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for adding stock to stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for adding stock to stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for adding stock to stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/assign/


API endpoint for assigning stock to a particular customer.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "customer": 0,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for assigning one (or more) stock items to a customer.\n\nThis is a manual assignment process, separate for (for example) a Sales Order",
    "properties": {
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer to assign stock items",
            "type": "integer"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAssignmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock assignment notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "customer": 0,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for assigning one (or more) stock items to a customer.\n\nThis is a manual assignment process, separate for (for example) a Sales Order",
    "properties": {
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer to assign stock items",
            "type": "integer"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAssignmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock assignment notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "customer": 0,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for assigning one (or more) stock items to a customer.\n\nThis is a manual assignment process, separate for (for example) a Sales Order",
    "properties": {
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer to assign stock items",
            "type": "integer"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAssignmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock assignment notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "customer": 0,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for assigning one (or more) stock items to a customer.\n\nThis is a manual assignment process, separate for (for example) a Sales Order",
    "properties": {
        "customer": {
            "description": "Customer to assign stock items",
            "type": "integer"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAssignmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock assignment notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/change_status/


API endpoint to change the status code of multiple StockItem objects.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "items": [
    "note": "string",
    "status": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for changing status of multiple StockItem objects.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "description": "Select stock items to change status",
            "items": {
                "title": "Stock Items",
                "type": "integer"
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "array"
        "note": {
            "description": "Add transaction note (optional)",
            "title": "Notes",
            "type": "string"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "default": 10
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
    "note": "string",
    "status": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for changing status of multiple StockItem objects.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "description": "Select stock items to change status",
            "items": {
                "title": "Stock Items",
                "type": "integer"
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "array"
        "note": {
            "description": "Add transaction note (optional)",
            "title": "Notes",
            "type": "string"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "default": 10
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
    "note": "string",
    "status": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for changing status of multiple StockItem objects.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "description": "Select stock items to change status",
            "items": {
                "title": "Stock Items",
                "type": "integer"
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "array"
        "note": {
            "description": "Add transaction note (optional)",
            "title": "Notes",
            "type": "string"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "default": 10
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "items": [
    "note": "string",
    "status": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for changing status of multiple StockItem objects.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "description": "Select stock items to change status",
            "items": {
                "title": "Stock Items",
                "type": "integer"
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "array"
        "note": {
            "description": "Add transaction note (optional)",
            "title": "Notes",
            "type": "string"
        "status": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Status2a7Enum"
            "default": 10
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/count/


Endpoint for counting stock (performing a stocktake).

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for counting stock items.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for counting stock items.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for counting stock items.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for counting stock items.",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

GET /api/stock/location-type/


API endpoint for a list of StockLocationType objects.

  • GET: Return a list of all StockLocationType objects
  • POST: Create a StockLocationType

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
limit query integer No Number of results to return per page.
offset query integer No The initial index from which to return the results.
ordering query string No Which field to use when ordering the results.
search query string No A search term.

Response 200 OK

    "count": 123,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "description": "string",
            "icon": "string",
            "location_count": 0,
            "name": "string",
            "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "properties": {
        "count": {
            "example": 123,
            "type": "integer"
        "next": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "previous": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "type": "array"
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/location-type/


API endpoint for a list of StockLocationType objects.

  • GET: Return a list of all StockLocationType objects
  • POST: Create a StockLocationType

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

DELETE /api/stock/location-type/{id}/


API detail endpoint for a StockLocationType object.

  • GET: return a single StockLocationType
  • PUT: update a StockLocationType
  • PATCH: partial update a StockLocationType
  • DELETE: delete a StockLocationType

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 204 No Content

GET /api/stock/location-type/{id}/


API detail endpoint for a StockLocationType object.

  • GET: return a single StockLocationType
  • PUT: update a StockLocationType
  • PATCH: partial update a StockLocationType
  • DELETE: delete a StockLocationType

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 200 OK

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PATCH /api/stock/location-type/{id}/


API detail endpoint for a StockLocationType object.

  • GET: return a single StockLocationType
  • PUT: update a StockLocationType
  • PATCH: partial update a StockLocationType
  • DELETE: delete a StockLocationType

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "type": "object"

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "type": "object"

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PUT /api/stock/location-type/{id}/


API detail endpoint for a StockLocationType object.

  • GET: return a single StockLocationType
  • PUT: update a StockLocationType
  • PATCH: partial update a StockLocationType
  • DELETE: delete a StockLocationType

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "description": "string",
    "icon": "string",
    "location_count": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "pk": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for StockLocationType model.",
    "properties": {
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "icon": {
            "description": "Default icon for all locations that have no icon set (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "location_count": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

GET /api/stock/location-type/{id}/metadata/


Generic API endpoint for reading and editing metadata for a model.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 200 OK

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PATCH /api/stock/location-type/{id}/metadata/


Generic API endpoint for reading and editing metadata for a model.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PUT /api/stock/location-type/{id}/metadata/


Generic API endpoint for reading and editing metadata for a model.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

GET /api/stock/location/


Override the 'get' method to check for the export query parameter.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
cascade query boolean No Include sub-locations in filtered results
depth query number No Filter by location depth
external query boolean No
has_location_type query boolean No has_location_type
limit query integer No Number of results to return per page.
location_type query integer No
name query string No
offset query integer No The initial index from which to return the results.
ordering query string No Which field to use when ordering the results.
parent query integer No Filter by parent location
search query string No A search term.
structural query boolean No
top_level query boolean No Filter by top-level locations

Response 200 OK

    "count": 123,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "barcode_hash": "string",
            "custom_icon": "string",
            "description": "string",
            "external": true,
            "icon": "string",
            "items": 0,
            "level": 0,
            "location_type": 0,
            "location_type_detail": null,
            "name": "string",
            "owner": 0,
            "parent": 0,
            "pathstring": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "structural": true,
            "sublocations": 0,
            "tags": [
            "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "properties": {
        "count": {
            "example": 123,
            "type": "integer"
        "next": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "previous": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Location"
            "type": "array"
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/location/


API endpoint for list view of StockLocation objects.

  • GET: Return list of StockLocation objects
  • POST: Create a new StockLocation

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

GET /api/stock/location/tree/


API endpoint for accessing a list of StockLocation objects, ready for rendering as a tree.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
limit query integer No Number of results to return per page.
offset query integer No The initial index from which to return the results.
ordering query string No Which field to use when ordering the results.

Response 200 OK

    "count": 123,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "icon": "string",
            "name": "string",
            "parent": 0,
            "pk": 0,
            "structural": true,
            "sublocations": 0
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "properties": {
        "count": {
            "example": 123,
            "type": "integer"
        "next": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "previous": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LocationTree"
            "type": "array"
    "type": "object"

DELETE /api/stock/location/{id}/


Custom delete method to pass kwargs.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 204 No Content

GET /api/stock/location/{id}/


Custom get method to pass kwargs.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 200 OK

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PATCH /api/stock/location/{id}/


Custom patch method to pass kwargs.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PUT /api/stock/location/{id}/


Custom put method to pass kwargs.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "barcode_hash": "string",
    "custom_icon": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "external": true,
    "icon": "string",
    "items": 0,
    "level": 0,
    "location_type": 0,
    "location_type_detail": null,
    "name": "string",
    "owner": 0,
    "parent": 0,
    "pathstring": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "structural": true,
    "sublocations": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Detailed information about a stock location.",
    "properties": {
        "barcode_hash": {
            "description": "Unique hash of barcode data",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "custom_icon": {
            "description": "Icon (optional)",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "title": "Icon",
            "type": "string"
        "description": {
            "description": "Description (optional)",
            "maxLength": 250,
            "type": "string"
        "external": {
            "description": "This is an external stock location",
            "type": "boolean"
        "icon": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "items": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Stock Items",
            "type": "integer"
        "level": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type": {
            "description": "Stock location type of this location",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "location_type_detail": {
            "allOf": [
                    "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockLocationType"
            "readOnly": true
        "name": {
            "description": "Name",
            "maxLength": 100,
            "type": "string"
        "owner": {
            "description": "Select Owner",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "parent": {
            "description": "Parent stock location",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Parent Location",
            "type": "integer"
        "pathstring": {
            "description": "Path",
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Path",
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "structural": {
            "description": "Stock items may not be directly located into a structural stock locations, but may be located to child locations.",
            "type": "boolean"
        "sublocations": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "tags": {
            "items": {
                "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
        "url": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

GET /api/stock/location/{id}/metadata/


Generic API endpoint for reading and editing metadata for a model.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 200 OK

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PATCH /api/stock/location/{id}/metadata/


Generic API endpoint for reading and editing metadata for a model.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PUT /api/stock/location/{id}/metadata/


Generic API endpoint for reading and editing metadata for a model.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "metadata": null
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer class for model metadata API access.",
    "properties": {
        "metadata": {}
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/merge/


API endpoint for merging multiple stock items.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "allow_mismatched_status": true,
    "allow_mismatched_suppliers": true,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "location": 0,
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for merging two (or more) stock items together.",
    "properties": {
        "allow_mismatched_status": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different status codes to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "allow_mismatched_suppliers": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different supplier parts to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockMergeItem"
            "type": "array"
        "location": {
            "description": "Destination stock location",
            "type": "integer"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock merging notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "allow_mismatched_status": true,
    "allow_mismatched_suppliers": true,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "location": 0,
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for merging two (or more) stock items together.",
    "properties": {
        "allow_mismatched_status": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different status codes to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "allow_mismatched_suppliers": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different supplier parts to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockMergeItem"
            "type": "array"
        "location": {
            "description": "Destination stock location",
            "type": "integer"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock merging notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "allow_mismatched_status": true,
    "allow_mismatched_suppliers": true,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "location": 0,
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for merging two (or more) stock items together.",
    "properties": {
        "allow_mismatched_status": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different status codes to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "allow_mismatched_suppliers": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different supplier parts to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockMergeItem"
            "type": "array"
        "location": {
            "description": "Destination stock location",
            "type": "integer"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock merging notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "allow_mismatched_status": true,
    "allow_mismatched_suppliers": true,
    "items": [
            "item": 0
    "location": 0,
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for merging two (or more) stock items together.",
    "properties": {
        "allow_mismatched_status": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different status codes to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "allow_mismatched_suppliers": {
            "description": "Allow stock items with different supplier parts to be merged",
            "type": "boolean"
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockMergeItem"
            "type": "array"
        "location": {
            "description": "Destination stock location",
            "type": "integer"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock merging notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/remove/


Endpoint for removing a quantity of stock from an existing StockItem.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for removing stock from stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for removing stock from stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for removing stock from stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "items": [
            "batch": "string",
            "packaging": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "quantity": "string",
            "status": null
    "notes": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for removing stock from stock item(s).",
    "properties": {
        "items": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockAdjustmentItem"
            "type": "array"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Stock transaction notes",
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

GET /api/stock/status/


Retrieve information about a specific status code

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Response 200 OK

    "status_class": "string",
    "values": {}
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "API serializer for generic state class information.",
    "properties": {
        "status_class": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "Class",
            "type": "string"
        "values": {
            "additionalProperties": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/GenericStateValue"
            "type": "object"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 400 Bad Request

DELETE /api/stock/test/


Perform a DELETE operation against this list endpoint.

We expect a list of primary-key (ID) values to be supplied as a JSON object, e.g. { items: [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42] }

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Response 204 No Content

GET /api/stock/test/


API endpoint for listing (and creating) a StockItemTestResult object.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
build query integer No Build
enabled query boolean No Enabled
limit query integer No Number of results to return per page.
offset query integer No The initial index from which to return the results.
ordering query string No Which field to use when ordering the results.
part query integer No Part
required query boolean No Required
result query boolean No
search query string No A search term.
template query integer No
test query string No Test name (case insensitive)
user query integer No
value query string No

Response 200 OK

    "count": 123,
    "next": "",
    "previous": "",
    "results": [
            "attachment": "string",
            "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
            "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
            "notes": "string",
            "pk": 0,
            "result": true,
            "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
            "stock_item": 0,
            "template": 0,
            "test_station": "string",
            "user": 0,
            "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "properties": {
        "count": {
            "example": 123,
            "type": "integer"
        "next": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "previous": {
            "example": "",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "results": {
            "items": {
                "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StockItemTestResult"
            "type": "array"
    "type": "object"

POST /api/stock/test/


API endpoint for listing (and creating) a StockItemTestResult object.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"

Request body

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

Response 201 Created

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

DELETE /api/stock/test/{id}/


Detail endpoint for StockItemTestResult.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 204 No Content

GET /api/stock/test/{id}/


Detail endpoint for StockItemTestResult.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Response 200 OK

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PATCH /api/stock/test/{id}/


Detail endpoint for StockItemTestResult.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "type": "object"

Response 200 OK

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the response body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

PUT /api/stock/test/{id}/


Detail endpoint for StockItemTestResult.

Input parameters

Parameter In Type Default Nullable Description
cookieAuth cookie string N/A No API key
basicAuth header string N/A No Basic authentication
tokenAuth header string N/A No Token-based authentication with required prefix "Token"
id path integer No

Request body

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Started",
            "type": "string"
        "stock_item": {
            "type": "integer"
        "template": {
            "description": "Template",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Test template for this result",
            "type": "integer"
        "test_station": {
            "description": "The identifier of the test station where the test was performed",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "user": {
            "nullable": true,
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "integer"
        "value": {
            "description": "Test output value",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
    "required": [
    "type": "object"

    "attachment": "string",
    "date": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "finished_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "notes": "string",
    "pk": 0,
    "result": true,
    "started_datetime": "2022-04-13T15:42:05.901Z",
    "stock_item": 0,
    "template": 0,
    "test_station": "string",
    "user": 0,
    "value": "string"
⚠️ This example has been generated automatically from the schema and it is not accurate. Refer to the schema for more information.

Schema of the request body
    "description": "Serializer for the StockItemTestResult model.",
    "properties": {
        "attachment": {
            "description": "Test result attachment",
            "format": "uri",
            "nullable": true,
            "type": "string"
        "date": {
            "format": "date-time",
            "readOnly": true,
            "type": "string"
        "finished_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test finish",
            "format": "date-time",
            "nullable": true,
            "title": "Finished",
            "type": "string"
        "notes": {
            "description": "Test notes",
            "maxLength": 500,
            "type": "string"
        "pk": {
            "readOnly": true,
            "title": "ID",
            "type": "integer"
        "result": {
            "description": "Test result",
            "type": "boolean"
        "started_datetime": {
            "description": "The timestamp of the test start",