Bare Metal Production Server¶
Before continuing, ensure that the installation steps have been completed.
The following instructions provide a reasonably performant server, using gunicorn as a webserver, and supervisor as a process manager.
For alternative deployment methods, django apps provide multiple deployment methods - see the Django documentation.
There are also numerous online tutorials describing how to deploy a Django application either locally or on an online platform.
The InvenTree web server is hosted using Gunicorn. Gunicorn is a Python WSGI server which provides a multi-worker server which is well suited to handling multiple simultaneous requests. Gunicorn is a solid choice for a production server which is easy to configure and performs well in a multi-user environment.
Supervisor is a process control system which monitors and controls multiple background processes. It is used in the InvenTree production setup to ensure that the web server and background worker processes are always running.
Gunicorn should have already been installed (within the python virtual environment) as part of the installation procedure.
A simple gunicorn configuration file is also provided. This configuration file can be edited if different server settings are required
Test Gunicorn Server¶
First, let's confirm that the gunicorn server is operational.
Virtual Environment
Don't forget to activate the python virtual environment
cd /home/InvenTree
source ./env/bin/activate
cd src/InvenTree
/home/inventree/env/bin/gunicorn -c InvenTree.wsgi -b
This should start the gunicorn server as a foreground process.
Check that you can access the InvenTree web server in your browser:
Stop Gunicorn Server¶
Once the gunicorn server is operational, kill the server with Ctrl+c
We will use supervisor as a process monitor, to ensure the web server and background worker processes are automatically started, and restarted if something goes wrong.
Install Supervisor¶
Sudo Actions
Perform sudo actions from a separate shell, as 'inventree' user does not have sudo access
sudo apt-get install supervisor
Configure Supervisor¶
Configuration Override
If you already have supervisor installed on your system, you will not want to override your existing configuration file.
In this case, edit the existing configuration file at /etc/supervisord.conf
to integrate the InvenTree processes
Copy the supervisor configuration file:
sudo cp /home/inventree/src/contrib/deploy/supervisord.conf /etc/supervisord.conf
Start Supervisor Daemon¶
sudo supervisord
Check Server¶
Check that the InvenTree web server is running.
View Process Status¶
The process status can be viewed in your web browser.
Production Ready¶
The InvenTree server (and background task manager) should now be running!
Static and Media Files¶
In addition to the InvenTree server, you will need a method of delivering static and media files (this is not handled by the InvenTree server in a production environment).
Read More
Refer to the proxy server documentation for more details
Next Steps¶
You (or your system administrator) may wish to perform further steps such as placing the InvenTree server behind a reverse proxy such as caddy, or nginx.
As production environment options are many and varied, such tasks are outside the scope of this documentation.
There are many great online tutorials about running django applications in production!
As a starting point, you can refer to the docker guide for a demonstration of running InvenTree behind a Caddy proxy.