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Global Settings

Global Settings

InvenTree ships with a lot of dynamic settings which can be configured at run-time. These settings are stored in the InvenTree database itself.

The following settings are global settings which affect all users.

Staff Status Required

Only users with staff status can view and edit global settings

To edit global settings, select Settings from the menu in the top-right corner of the screen.

Global settings are arranged in the following categories:

Server Settings

Configuration of basic server settings:

Name Description Default Units
Base URL Base URL for server instance
Company name Internal company name My company name
Server Instance Name String descriptor for the server instance InvenTree
Use instance name Use the instance name in the title-bar False
Restrict showing about Show the about modal only to superusers False
Display Users full names Display Users full names instead of usernames False
Update Check Interval How often to check for updates (set to zero to disable) 7 days
Download from URL Allow download of remote images and files from external URL False
Download Size Limit Maximum allowable download size for remote image 1 MB
User-agent used to download from URL Allow to override the user-agent used to download images and files from external URL (leave blank for the default)
Require confirm Require explicit user confirmation for certain action. True
Strict URL Validation Require schema specification when validating URLs True
Tree Depth Default tree depth for treeview. Deeper levels can be lazy loaded as they are needed. 1
Automatic Backup Enable automatic backup of database and media files False
Auto Backup Interval Specify number of days between automated backup events 1 days
Task Deletion Interval Background task results will be deleted after specified number of days 30 days
Error Log Deletion Interval Error logs will be deleted after specified number of days 30 days
Notification Deletion Interval User notifications will be deleted after specified number of days 30 days

Login Settings

Change how logins, password-forgot, signups are handled:

Name Description Default Units
Enable password forgot Enable password forgot function on the login pages True
Email required Require user to supply mail on signup False
Enforce MFA Users must use multifactor security. False
Enable registration Enable self-registration for users on the login pages False
Mail twice On signup ask users twice for their mail False
Password twice On signup ask users twice for their password True
Group on signup Group to which new users are assigned on registration. If SSO group sync is enabled, this group is only set if no group can be assigned from the IdP.
Allowed domains Restrict signup to certain domains (comma-separated, starting with @)
Enable SSO Enable SSO on the login pages False
Enable SSO registration Enable self-registration via SSO for users on the login pages False
Auto-fill SSO users Automatically fill out user-details from SSO account-data True
Enable SSO group sync Enable synchronizing InvenTree groups with groups provided by the IdP False
SSO group map A mapping from SSO groups to local InvenTree groups. If the local group does not exist, it will be created. {}
SSO group key The name of the groups claim attribute provided by the IdP groups
Remove groups outside of SSO Whether groups assigned to the user should be removed if they are not backend by the IdP. Disabling this setting might cause security issues True

Require User Email

If this setting is enabled, users must provide an email address when signing up. Note that some notification and security features require a valid email address.

Forgot Password

If this setting is enabled, users can reset their password via email. This requires a valid email address to be associated with the user account.

Enforce Multi-Factor Authentication

If this setting is enabled, users must have multi-factor authentication enabled to log in.

Auto Fil SSO Users

Automatically fill out user-details from SSO account-data. If this feature is enabled the user is only asked for their username, first- and surname if those values can not be gathered from their SSO profile. This might lead to unwanted usernames bleeding over.


Configuration of barcode functionality:

Name Description Default Units
Barcode Support Enable barcode scanner support in the web interface True
Barcode Input Delay Barcode input processing delay time 50 ms
Barcode Webcam Support Allow barcode scanning via webcam in browser True
Barcode Show Data Display barcode data in browser as text False
Barcode Generation Plugin Plugin to use for internal barcode data generation inventreebarcode
Store Barcode Results Store barcode scan results in the database False
Barcode Scans Maximum Count Maximum number of barcode scan results to store 100

Pricing and Currency

Configuration of pricing data and currency support:

Name Description Default Units
Default Currency Select base currency for pricing calculations USD
Supported Currencies List of supported currency codes AUD,CAD,CNY,EUR,GBP,JPY,NZD,USD
Internal Prices Enable internal prices for parts False
Internal Price Override If available, internal prices override price range calculations False
Minimum Pricing Decimal Places Minimum number of decimal places to display when rendering pricing data 0
Maximum Pricing Decimal Places Maximum number of decimal places to display when rendering pricing data 6
Pricing Rebuild Interval Number of days before part pricing is automatically updated 30 days
Use Supplier Pricing Include supplier price breaks in overall pricing calculations True
Purchase History Override Historical purchase order pricing overrides supplier price breaks False
Use Stock Item Pricing Use pricing from manually entered stock data for pricing calculations True
Stock Item Pricing Age Exclude stock items older than this number of days from pricing calculations 0 days
Use Variant Pricing Include variant pricing in overall pricing calculations True
Active Variants Only Only use active variant parts for calculating variant pricing False


Configuration of report generation:

Name Description Default Units
Enable Reports Enable generation of reports False
Page Size Default page size for PDF reports A4
Debug Mode Generate reports in debug mode (HTML output) False
Log Report Errors Log errors which occur when generating reports False


Name Description Default Units
IPN Regex Regular expression pattern for matching Part IPN
Allow Duplicate IPN Allow multiple parts to share the same IPN True
Allow Editing IPN Allow changing the IPN value while editing a part True
Allow Deletion from Assembly Allow deletion of parts which are used in an assembly False
Part Revisions Enable revision field for Part True
Assembly Revision Only Only allow revisions for assembly parts False
Part Name Display Format Format to display the part name {{ part.IPN if part.IPN }}{{ ' ' if part.IPN }}{{ }}{{ '
Show related parts Display related parts for a part True
Initial Stock Data Allow creation of initial stock when adding a new part False
Initial Supplier Data Allow creation of initial supplier data when adding a new part True
Template Parts are templates by default False
Assembly Parts can be assembled from other components by default False
Component Parts can be used as sub-components by default True
Trackable Parts are trackable by default False
Purchaseable Parts are purchaseable by default True
Salable Parts are salable by default False
Virtual Parts are virtual by default False
Copy Part BOM Data Copy BOM data by default when duplicating a part True
Copy Part Parameter Data Copy parameter data by default when duplicating a part True
Copy Part Test Data Copy test data by default when duplicating a part True
Copy Category Parameter Templates Copy category parameter templates when creating a part True
Part Category Default Icon Part category default icon (empty means no icon)

Part Parameter Templates

Refer to the section describing how to create part parameter templates.


In this section of the settings, staff users can set a list of parameters associated to a part category.

To add a parameter to a part category:

  1. select the category in the dropdown list
  2. click the New Parameter button on the top right
  3. fill out the "Create Category Parameter Template" form
  4. click the Submit button.

After a list of parameters is added to a part category and upon creation of a new part in this category, this list of parameters will be added by default to the new part.


Configuration of stock item options

Name Description Default Units
Globally Unique Serials Serial numbers for stock items must be globally unique False
Autofill Serial Numbers Autofill serial numbers in forms False
Delete Depleted Stock Determines default behavior when a stock item is depleted True
Batch Code Template Template for generating default batch codes for stock items
Stock Expiry Enable stock expiry functionality False
Stock Stale Time Number of days stock items are considered stale before expiring 0 days
Sell Expired Stock Allow sale of expired stock False
Build Expired Stock Allow building with expired stock False
Stock Ownership Control Enable ownership control over stock locations and items False
Stock Location Default Icon Stock location default icon (empty means no icon)
Show Installed Stock Items Display installed stock items in stock tables False
Check BOM when installing items Installed stock items must exist in the BOM for the parent part True
Allow Out of Stock Transfer Allow stock items which are not in stock to be transferred between stock locations False
Enable Test Station Data Enable test station data collection for test results False
Create Template on Upload Create a new test template when uploading test data which does not match an existing template True

Build Orders

Refer to the build order settings.

Purchase Orders

Refer to the purchase order settings.

Sales Orders

Refer to the sales order settings.

Return Orders

Refer to the return order settings.

Plugin Settings

Name Description Default Units
Check plugins on startup Check that all plugins are installed on startup - enable in container environments False
Check for plugin updates Enable periodic checks for updates to installed plugins True
Enable URL integration Enable plugins to add URL routes False
Enable navigation integration Enable plugins to integrate into navigation False
Enable app integration Enable plugins to add apps False
Enable schedule integration Enable plugins to run scheduled tasks False
Enable event integration Enable plugins to respond to internal events False
Enable interface integration Enable plugins to integrate into the user interface False