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Python Module

A Python module is provided for rapid development of third party scripts or applications using the REST API. The python module handles authentication and API transactions, providing an extremely clean interface for interacting with and manipulating database data.


  • Automatic authentication management using token-based authentication
  • Pythonic data access
  • Native file uploads
  • Powerful functions for accessing related model data


The inventree python interface can be easily installed via the PIP package manager:

pip3 install inventree


To upgrade to the latest version, run pip install --upgrade inventree

Alternatively, it can downloaded and installed from source, from GitHub.


Authentication against an InvenTree server is simple:

Basic Auth

Connect using your username/password as follows:

from inventree.api import InvenTreeAPI

MY_USERNAME = 'not_my_real_username'
MY_PASSWORD = 'not_my_real_password'

api = InvenTreeAPI(SERVER_ADDRESS, username=MY_USERNAME, password=MY_PASSWORD)

Token Auth

Alternatively, if you already have an access token:

api = InvenTreeAPI(SERVER_ADDRESS, token=MY_TOKEN)

Environment Variables

Authentication variables can also be set using environment variables:


And simply connect as follows:

api = InvenTreeAPI()

Retrieving Data

Once a connection is established to the InvenTree server, querying individual items is simple.

Single Item

If the primary-key of an object is already known, retrieving it from the database is performed as follows:

from inventree.part import PartCategory

category = PartCategory(api, 10)

Multiple Items

Database items can be queried by using the list method for the given class. Note that arbitrary filter parameters can be applied (as specified by the InvenTree API) to filter the returned results.

from inventree.part import Part
from inventree.stock import StockItem

parts = Part.list(api, category=10, assembly=True)
items = StockItem.list(api, location=4, part=24)

The items variable above provides a list of StockItem objects.

Filtering by parent

In tree based models the child items could be filtered by using the parent keyword:

from inventree.part import PartCategory

child_categories = PartCategory.list(api, parent=10)

The top level items can can be queried by passing empty string as a parent filter:

from inventree.part import PartCategory

parent_categories = PartCategory.list(api, parent='')

Item Attributes

The available model attributes are determined by introspecting API metadata. To view the fields (attributes) available for a given database model type within the python interface, use the fieldNames and fieldInfo methods, as below:

from inventree.api import InvenTreeAPI
from inventree.part import Part

api = InvenTreeAPI("http://localhost:8000", username="admin", password="inventree")

fields = Part.fieldNames(api)

for field in Part.fieldNames(api):
    print(field, '->', Part.fieldInfo(field, api))
active -> {'type': 'boolean', 'required': True, 'read_only': False, 'label': 'Active', 'help_text': 'Is this part active?', 'default': True, 'max_length': None}
allocated_to_build_orders -> {'type': 'float', 'required': True, 'read_only': True, 'label': 'Allocated to build orders'}
allocated_to_sales_orders -> {'type': 'float', 'required': True, 'read_only': True, 'label': 'Allocated to sales orders'}
assembly -> {'type': 'boolean', 'required': True, 'read_only': False, 'label': 'Assembly', 'help_text': 'Can this part be built from other parts?', 'default': False, 'max_length': None}
category -> {'type': 'related field', 'required': True, 'read_only': False, 'label': 'Category', 'model': 'partcategory', 'api_url': '/api/part/category/', 'filters': {}, 'help_text': 'Part category', 'max_length': None}
component -> {'type': 'boolean', 'required': True, 'read_only': False, 'label': 'Component', 'help_text': 'Can this part be used to build other parts?', 'default': True, 'max_length': None}
default_expiry -> {'type': 'integer', 'required': True, 'read_only': False, 'label': 'Default Expiry', 'help_text': 'Expiry time (in days) for stock items of this part', 'min_value': 0, 'max_value': 2147483647, 'default': 0, 'max_length': None}
variant_stock -> {'type': 'float', 'required': True, 'read_only': True, 'label': 'Variant stock'}

Item Methods

Once an object has been retrieved from the database, its related objects can be returned with the provided helper methods:

part = Part(api, 25)
stock_items = part.getStockItems()

Some classes also have helper functions for performing certain actions, such as uploading file attachments or test results:

stock_item = StockItem(api, 1001)
stock_item.uploadTestResult("Firmware", True, value="0x12345678", attachment="device_firmware.bin")

Discovering Methods

You can determine the available methods by either reading the source code or using the dir() function in an interactive terminal.

Further Reading

The InvenTree Python Interface is open source, and well documented. The best way to learn is to read through the source code and try for yourself!